Customer vs Customer

Ha! Ha! I was in line at McD's near me and they have two lines. I pull in and there's two cars in the right lane and one in the left lane, so I go into the left lane. First car on the right order, and goes, second car on the right pulls up and guy in front of me is still fucking ordering. He finally finishes and pulls forward a bit as the second car on the right finishes order. Dude isn't paying attention, he's fiddling with his phone or radios and he just sits there, the other car is waiting for him to pull forward. I toot my horn to let him know he should go. So what does he do? He waives on the other car on the right to pull forward and then flips me the bird. Now, because the right lane pulls directly in front of the left lane this forces me to sit behind him even longer until not only that car moves but his car has to move and I can't order because he stuck in front of the microphone.

I say fuck this and back up and pull into the right lane. My order is simple so I am done in like 30 seconds. I am done, I see douchebag not paying attention and I use the opportunity to pull right in front of him. He starts laying on his horn and screaming through his window. Fuck you, you make me wait longer, you're going to wait even longer.

/r/TalesFromTheCustomer Thread