Its the customers fault. So after being fed up of desyncing i went on to blizz's forums to see if there was any fixs or answers. Not surprisingly a lot of people were having this issue and expressing their concerns. Blizz mods asking them to perform tests and everytime its the users fault apparently

Removing any means of differentiating a real desync from a d-sync sounds rediculous. I think their lack of project management and sense of what to prioritize really shows here. Before reforged came out, I had hopes they would implement a rejoin feature, help out map makers by fixing known issues that cause desyncs/crashes, or atleast do something, like literally anything. I'm only speaking in terms of connectivity. This doesnt even cover a fraction of what I hoped for. For a whole year I was so excited for reforged and was expecting alot from Blizzard. Got downgrades and cut features instead LOL. Still feeling a bit disappointed. I guess that's what I get for having expectations of what a remaster should be.

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