Customizable beer at point of dispense

This is a BAD idea.

I'll ignore the issues that other's brought up and skip straight to the machine:

  • The upkeep would be damn near impossible. Having a singular line for wheat beers, IPA's, stouts, and perhaps the most terrifying, sours would be a disaster for flavor. Craft beer drinkers, hell even all beer drinkers, want consistency. The chance you could develop a machine that consistently puts out a beer that is good and the same taste as the time before is damn near 0.
  • Have you ever seen the cleaning that goes into breaking down brewery taps? Imagine that for a singular machine. They break down grates, spray it with some disinfecting spray, dump hot waters down the drain lines, as well as some bio-gel and that's just regular every day practices. That's not even talking about the tap lines, which as I mentioned not only need to be clean, but benefit strongly from uniform and consistent beer style.
/r/beer Thread