Customs officers seize shipment of fake vaccination cards heading to New Orleans

I had a “mild” allergic reaction to both Pfizer. Had injection site swelling and rash for 2 weeks the first, 3 weeks the second, felt like I’d been hit by a truck for the second. Still knew it was coming and got the second. People who pull this kind of shit piss me off to a degree where I get unreasonable (not saying there’s no reason to be pissed, but makes me over the top angry).

Like I saw my doctor after the first made me feel like shit with the rash and everything, and she said that it wouldn’t be life-changing/threatening to get the second. Even though I knew what was coming I did it, because I have a responsibility to our society. People who are afraid of microchips, or being sore for a couple days, or just needles have put me to my wits end.

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