Cut down on Marijuana 2 weeks ago and what a fucking difference it made

Thank you! About to get forced onto a loooong t break (legal issues) and have been having so many doubts over how I will handle never being able to smoke and WHY it's so hard for me to give up weed now when in the past I went years never smoking or only occasionally, and still have so many friends who just use it causally with no issue. I feel like an addict even though my life is objectively fine and I'm perfectly successful and have been able to quit for drug tests when necessary (always went immediately back to smoking after the test though). I know logically that sobriety is fine, not unpleasant and even the normal state of humans so WHY is it so hard to imagine staying sober during the evenings??

It's very reassuring to hear from a fellow daily smoker that it gets easier and you even enjoy it now and don't want to go back to smoking yet. Hopefully in a couple months I'll be in the same situation and laughing at myself for ever thinking it was so impossible to just enjoy being sober. I'm really hoping I'm not truly dependent on weed and just in the habit, a habit that is hopefully easily broken with time.

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