[CW]Attempt to write a story that's scary even though all the characters are okay in the end.

Mrs. Espinoza was tired. The last train out of the city carried her and Lily home to the distant suburbs where she could afford a 200 square foot tenement she called home. Oh, how she longed to kick these shoes off and rest her feet on the threadbare armrest of her couch. She felt a burning pride as Lily slowly moved her fingers over the large type headline of the old newspaper, saying each letter aloud. Her teacher said Lily was especially gifted at words, and Carla dreamed if Lily typing away at a desk someday.


The train stopped at a dimly lit station. The doors slid open. A haggard man climbed in.


He spotted Lily and Carla and nodded, then sat across the aisle from them. "Hello" he said to Lily, who was engrossed in her reading.


Carla felt a little melancholy. Lily did not sound like her, she spoke like the other kids in her class. Would not. Would mama be a stranger?


Carla kissed her daughter's forehead and held her close. From a corner of her eye, she could see the man loosen his tie. He held it in both hands.


The train entered the tunnel. Carla gripped Lily's shoulders. The man got up, started pacing away slowly. His raincoat dripped rainwater behind him.


Lily giggled, making a long "geeeee" sound. It was her favorite letter.


The man took his seat again, flexing his tie in both hands. It was odd, but nothing Carla hadn't seen in seven years of commuting odd hours in public transportation.


A long "eeeee", more chuckles. Carla glanced at the newspaper. Police. A train platform. Was that 6th Street?

"Ar Ar Ar Ar hehehe"

The man was looking at them again. Carla ignored him, while maintaining a weary vigil over Lily. Four people climbed into the train. Roller suitcases. Must be going to the airport. The man sighed, then got up and walked to the exit. The new passengers talked loudly, talking and high fiving. Carla picked up "more", "please" and "sugar" from her job. They talked so fast! Maybe Lily could teach her someday.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread