[CW] Take three dreams you've had and find a way to combine them to tell a short story. Horror writers can combine three nightmares and do the same.

[Dream one start]

I was in a large super store. It looked like a Walmart, but maybe it was a target. I forget.

I was near the door when suddenly a tornado happened inside the building and came straight towards me. Everyone rushed out the door, but when I got close to it the door shut and locked itself leaving only me inside. I needed to act fast.

[Dream one over]

I ran as quick as I could and managed to make it to the second floor.

I am now at a hotel. Weird that a hotel is on the second floor of a super store.

[Dream two start]

I walked with my friend around the hotel. I had a huge crush on her, but she was taken. I wasn't having it.

We kept walking and she stops. I turn around to see her "fake kissing" my cousin to make me look jealous even though I know she has a boyfriend and it isn't him. That was super weird.

But whatever, I kept walking with her and I finally muck up the courage to finally say something.

I said, "I remember when my grandmother first met you, she thought you and I were dating, it was funny. I only wish it could be true."

[Dream two over]

She was shocked. I don't know if it was a happy shock or a "did you just say that?" shock, but either way she seemed interested in what I said.

We go back to the hotels and find a room. It is just the two of us.

[Dream three start]

Her and I are sitting on the need together. She seems really happy. We have a short conversation, I can't really remember it because it wasn't the important part. But the concersation finally gets to the point to where she says, "can I touch it?"

And of course me being a teenager won't say no, do I say yes and she plays with my genitals.

[Dream three over]

Note: These are all dreams I have had in the past. The first one is a nightmare I used to always have. The second one happened recently and haunts me because of how weird it is. And the third one happened a long time ago, but I could swear I actually had someone touch it that night.

Creative criticism welcomed and greatly appreciated. Feel free to check out my profile for more short stories as this account is dedicated to responses on /r/writingprompts.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread