[CW] Write about a conversation between people with one party believing that the society they live in is utopic, and the other believing it's dystopic

My first response so please tell me how to not suck so much, also My phone is about to die so this will be short and not very well executed :-/ sorry:

"Victoria I'm sorry, I can't go through with this".

*"Jason! Are you questioning what the Lord has decided?!?!" spit flying from her mouth as she started to recite what had been taught to her from before she could even understand what it meant. *"This is what the Lord has chosen for us. Disobedience is a sin, and... you know what happens to sinners" The corner of her mouth curled into a smile, she was sure noone could argue against that.

"Victoria, im sure that you're a great person and all but, I didn't want to marry someone I JUST met"

*"But the prophet Michel told me tha-"

"I DON'T CARE... Sorry I didn't mean to yell. I don't want someone controlling what I can and can't do!" Jason pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed "How can you not see that these people are corrupt and evil?!?"

*"HOW DARE YOU INSULT THE LORD!!! HE IS ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THIS WORLD." Victoria took a deep breath *"The prophet Michel stopped crime entirely when the Lord granted him his power."

"HE STOPPED CRIME BY EXECUTING ANYONE WHO DIDN'T FOLLOW HIS EVERY COMMAND!!" Rage was building in Jason, he knew he was the only sane person in this world. He already knew what her next response was going to be

*"Those criminals were sinners, they deserved what they got, you might join them in hell if you continue like this"


*"The Lord is very merciful, he kills the sinners so that they don't have to live their lives in sin any longer"

"I hope you never get the clarity necessary to understand what you've just said, It would make me sick. This fucking prophet is mentally ill. He should be killed slowly and--"

Welp phones at 2%. I typed really fast so there is most likely mistakes.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread