[CW] Write a story based off your favorite verse of a song

I'd been walking around for hours, aimlessly. There was nothing that could shake this feeling from me, it attached itself to me and made me jump at its every evocation. I had met a girl. I think I'd fallen in love then.

I had woken up that day, eaten cereal and gone to school. I can't even remember how these things happened now, save for their recurrence each and every day.

But, there, at school, I had seen a face, a face I'd never seen before. She saw mine, too. Her beautiful hazel eyes and auburn hair. It's moments such as these that perfection is given its object, like all truth that was once unutterable is now softly spoken.

I spied on her all throughout the day, just to see her, to find some excuse to talk to her. God, she must've noticed now that I think about it. I found my way alone with her, through coincidence really; we shared a class together and arrived early together.

I sat down in front of her. The seconds were fast passing and I knew I ought to speak to her now before someone comes and I get scared. I leaned over my chair and turned to her.

"Hey, what's your name?" I said to her as charmingly as I could.

"Johanna. What's yours?" I remember the way she smelled then, it was something I'd never smelled before.

"I'm Tyler," I couldn't think of anything to say. "Uh..."

'I saw you staring at me today, you know. Why were doing that?"

I'd been lying if I didn't say that I couldn't tell if she was flirting or was serious and very annoyed with me. Thinking back it's obvious she just wanted to talk to me too.

"Oh, uh, well. I've just never seen you around before, I guess. But, maybe, um..."

She stared at me, I couldn't really think.

"Do you," I said, "do you want to hang out after school?"

She was quiet and nodded, "Yeah, that'll be cool."

She smiled at me as I turned away. I was smiling too, I didn't even think about it. I wanted her to know how happy I was, I just couldn't find the words. Everyone else was shuffling into the room now; I don't think I remember a single thing after that smile.

I waited outside of the school, looking for her. I waited for a few minutes until she spotted me and walked over. We walked around outside, talking about anything I could find. I didn't want to waste any time without her right now. I just wanted her to stay close to me.

We found ourselves outside the baseball diamond, a game going on. We decided to sit down and watch the game. We didn't like sports too much, we already discussed that much. I held her in one arm. It took all my strength to raise that arm around her. I looked over to her and she looked at me then. I figured it was as good a time as any and kissed her. She kissed me back.

I'd never been happier.

We talked more, but eventually had to leave. It was getting dark. I walked home, but it must've taken me much longer than it should have. I had given my thoughts movement now, not my feet. That's how I always wished I had moved.

The sun was setting and I was near to my house. I looked over to where I thought she might be, just to let her in my thoughts once more. I knew this was the beginning of something important in my life. Just to think it all began on an uneventful morn.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread