Cyber Monday! Hype Hype!

I bought a cyber card some time ago it's worth like 50% of what it was and now they probably just want us to buy more nfts. No thanks. I listened to them on a twitter meeting recently and there was so many red flags. They just sounded like a few kids who can do good art work and have been lucky since being successful on gamestop and making a couple of million. They are now trying to hype to the max about them leading the way in the metaverse lol. They sounded incredibly unprofessional in my opinion. Their premise about using cyber crew assets in gaming is seriously flawed as the game devs will always have their own in-house nfts taking precedence obviously. The only thing that Cyber Crew has in reality is a community of a 1000 or 2000 max who can whip up some hype and this might well help them to become more successful in the future but it could also all quickly change if the curtain is drawn back. GME and DRS is the way. 20 moon tickets for a cyber clone card.

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