Cynibot's Attachment Guide 2.0 || Recommended attachments for every weapon

Amazing job with this guide, you helped me out a lot. Thanks for keeping the list updated aswell. I do have a question about the muzzle brake though. I'm having a hard time understanding this attachment. Apparently it is to reduce first shot recoil and it reduces centring time, however you say that it helps with more than just the first shot. However the muzzle attachment guide of Rouge 9 says it only helps with the first shot and he "apparently" asked a dev. I'm conflicted because the description of the muzzle brake says it only helps with the first shot but for some reason the muzzle brake is crazy good with Bucks c8. I had no luck with that gun but all of a sudden with the muzzle brake it works incredibly well and I don't know why because I don't burst fire, it just seems to have less kick to it, but that contradicts both the description of the muzzle brake and what the "dev" said to Rouge 9. Could you share your opinion or maybe help me understand this a bit better because I'm really confused.

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