D&C Twitter taken down. It’s a good day.

I also believed they moved on from something that happened 2 years ago.

Nobody has moved on from that shit. That's wishful thinking on your part. You want for racism and sexism to be normalized. I'm telling you, in the civilized half the country, it is not.

Whether you're rallying behind a shitty alt-right comic book writer, or rallying with the actual Nazis at your Unite the Right rallies, or rallying to "defend" game journalism in GamerGate, or rallying to defend confererate statues, or pretending to care when some poor woman gets murdered so that you can score political points against another creed of mankind --- no matter how you dress it up, rest assured to the discerning eye it all looks like same old stupid shit as when you lot would goosestep in white hoodies.

Maybe you've even tricked yourself into believing that the clown isn't a raging racist, the paragon of greed, or quite possibly the single most unChristian man alive in America today.

Nobody else is fooled. It's just you and your buddies in the Fox News/T_D/Alex Jones bubble.

before you do something stupid and have to deal with the consequences.

You mean like vote for an orange clown?

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