D3 may well be the most replayable game I've ever played, and I would absolutely support more content if given the opportunity

Destroyed? Really? Thats funny since you thought it was one of the best grossing games ever. LMFAO, you can't get your shit straight at all can you? Do yourself a favor and just fuck off.

it sold so many copies off the back of D2 and has died slowly since it's release :)

New zones, new adventure mode bounties, new game mode. Or did you just conveniently forget all that?

im clearly talking about after RoS? it's been like 3 years or some shit and they gave you guys a class they barely tested lmao

The shit show? Why are you even posting here if you don't like it kid? Are you one of those sad pathetic losers that don't like something and then have to tell everyone how they don't like it? Guess what, you don't matter that much to ANYONE here that we care about your shitty little opinion. Especially after you have gone out of your way to make a complete fool of yourself here.

i check diablo subreddits every once in a while because i use to be a fan of the franchise. you clearly care enough about my opinion since you've replied to each of my comments and downvoted them like a fucking baby

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