D4NNY's back in the studio

We didn't need to be linked to every individual video of the guy and his bad covers just because it was suggested that this wasn't his first.

I didn't ask for all links. Just one.

Actually in that case you didn't ask for any. That's my point.

And why do we even need one video of additional context? What does that really do? Proves that this wasn't his first time in the studio? Level with me, is it really that important to establish that this guy has been in the studio more than one time? The title suggests that there may be more to this story, but it doesn't rely on that for the post to work. Again, the most obvious comparison is the god complex guy from that other poster's uni from a few days ago. The title suggests that there's more to the story, in fact there are loads of other videos on the youtube channel, and probably a good deal of interactions elsewhere on social media or in his daily life for him to say that the guy has a god complex, but the post doesn't rely on them. But let's keep going for good measure.

Why do we need even one link to one of D4NNY's older videos, when that has nothing to do with what we're seeing here. And you know that, if you'd let it go with a different title, you know that the post showcases a delusional artist.

Now, if the title was something like "D4NNY in the studio" would that work? Or does using his name suggests that there's additional context crucial to understanding the situation? Again, where do you draw the line, and, more importantly, why? I understand the need as a mod to enforce rules and to enforce them consistently, but what rule are you enforcing?

"If the title mentions something that the submitter does not provide, it will be removed." What did the title mention that wasn't in the post? Sure you could say "well that sort of implies that he's back at it" or whatever, and you could take down this post because it doesn't supply every bit of context, but that's the perfect way to enforce rules with very little consistency, that is to say, extremely loose interpretations, and whim decisions.

/r/delusionalartists Thread Parent Link - youtu.be