Da Fuq?!?

I agree with you, idk why you’re getting downvotes. It’s the truth. I am vaccinated. I wear my mask and work from home but I still got sick. Everyone I know has gotten sick. But also everyone I know has gotten back to health pretty quickly. Even the old people and people who are unvaccinated. It’s almost like due to going out and socializing we’ve built up a natural exposure and some antibodies. Perhaps we’ve reached a level of crowd immunity maybe? I know it’s not what people want to hear but exposure to the disease is important to build up immunity. If I’m not mistaken they took the same approach in Sweden and everybody thought they were smarter for it because they didn’t get hit so badly in 2020. But because it’s Florida and people look down on us… Idk.

Florida is a really unique case. It would be worse for the nation as a whole if we shut down. As a Peninsula we are an import/export hub that remained open on all three sides even when air travel was restricted, as well as a hub for refugees escaping WORSE Covid conditions. We are home to NASA a government agency that is more important than people care to research. We are home to many theme parks and attractions which did close for a time, but have since reopened because people are still literally flying from other fucking countries to come see Disney during the pandemic. You can’t blame Floridians for that kind of irresponsible behavior! And when they come here guess what, they don’t wear masks either!

I’m sick of Florida being looked down on when what we have found is a unique balance during a fucking hard ass time for everyone worldwide. Sorry if you don’t like it. But we all have to survive one way or another.

And one thing Floridians know about is how to survive.

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