Dabbers of Reddit what is your "I fucked up" moment where you realized too late that you may have went overboard?

Freshmen year of college one of my best friends was pushing a lot of dabs with his gf (who was a senior). For close friends who didn't dab much he would give you 3 fat dabs for $5. One day I gave him $10 for 6 of them, intending to spread them out over that day and the next since I was still very new to dabbing.

My friend likes to fuck with people. So we went to his gf's house to dab and chill. He pulls out the rig and gets a FAT one ready for me, at least 0.4 Gs. But before I can take it he tells me that if I want the dabs I paid for, I have to do 6 right then and there too. Half an hour later my throat is absolutely destroyed, I'm pretty much crying and coughing up a lung. All I remember is him steering me to the couch, sitting me down and saying "night night". I knew I was just fucked then.

Everything past that is hazy at best lol a few other friends came over to play some Mario Kart. I remember being so high I just kept driving straight off the track in the same spot over and over because I couldn't figure out how to make my fingers press the right buttons. I passed out on the couch, woke up drooling and confused as fuck like 6 hours later

/r/trees Thread