Dad reflexes fully engaged at the Mariners game.

i found nothing that says hat sizes that leave the ground are not measured you are an ignoramus that calls a cricket bat, a paddle. What you can and can’t find about the game means absolutely nothing. There are facts and the game of cricket (as noted in the university lead study I posted hours ago) and then there’s what you think.

You are wholly and factually incorrect throughout. Moreover, I posted a university lead study that talks directly about batted ball speed in cricket exceeding 120MPH at an average.

You completely ignore height in your nonsense about the speed a heavier and harder ball would travel. Moreover you have the audacity to talk about Newtonian Physics when you’ve completely misunderstood (glossed over that one didn’t you?)

All of the above pale into insignificance when you look at your comment history and realise... this is a subject you’ve gone over before and it is clear as day... you just want to tell anyone that will listen or engage with you that baseball is somehow either more difficult or harder than cricket.

There is no ‘dramatic’ difference in velocities. In the slightest. Your nearest fielder stands SIXTY FEET from the guy with the bat and you wear gloves. No amount of bitching and moaning about speeds will change the fact that all your shouting is trying to mask the fact that you know very well a cricketer is dealing with more danger and requires more athleticism is deal with any ball coming at him in the field.

Especially when that fielder is 12 inches from the guy with the bat, has no gloves on and university lead studies have found that ball to be travelling at 120+ MPH.

You Americans love to ‘call bullshit’ when you’re faced with a university lead study or facts that don’t suit your narrative.

Id continue, but this is an agenda you’ve pushed elsewhere. Your comment history is farcical. Did a cricketer hurt you as a child? Is this why, when nobody even asks, you’ll compare cricket to baseball in the pejorative?

I’ll go get laid. You learn to read, you botched abortion. I’m done here.

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