Dads of reddit, how are you going to raise your child differently than your dad did?

Just because you are a shitty parent with heartless parenting methods doesn't mean you can go around saying shit like this.

You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. You cannot possibly fathom what it means to be a parent, let alone what it means to be a good one or a bad one. You speak from no authority on this subject at all, so telling me that I am unqualified to speak about this is an example of why adults don't take teenagers seriously.

I am a high achieving student A's and B's with several honors and AP classes.

If that's true, then your dad's concern with your grades is apparently working and when you are old enough to appreciate the sacrifice he is making by actually giving a shit about your future for you when left to your own devices you probably wouldn't, you will thank him.

My dad rode my ass about my grades all throughout high school and I hated it at the time too. Reddit didn't exist so I didn't have a place to mouth off about how angsty I felt about it. When I look back on it now, I realize how important it was that he made me care, because if he hadn't, I wouldn't have, and the consequences would have been dire.

If you think that there will never be anyone who could ever truly love you

I never brought up love - not at all. I said feelings and that's a different thing. This is something that you cannot fathom yet because you are far too young and you are not in the right circumstance to understand this, but you will someday.

There comes a point in your life when you achieve a level of responsibility that your father probably faces, but I certainly do. I provide all the means of living for my wife and two sons. They cannot sustain their lives without the sustenance that I provide. My parents are fortunately still relatively young and in good health and so are my wife's, and therefore there's a certain safety net there such that I don't worry that my children will starve, but they certainly won't live by any decent definition of the word.

When that happens, you begin to appreciate the fact that whatever it is that you want out of life is totally secondary to the needs of other people in a way that is hard to describe in words.

When I suggested that your wife will pretend to care about your feelings, what I mean to say is that she will care about them at a certain level. When you're a young person, that level is the only one that is really "awake". I was going to use the word "exists" but that's not the case. The other levels of caring exist, they're just not activated yet. She will care about your feelings only so far as they don't interfere with her agenda with her children. Thus, she "pretends" to care about your feelings, in the sense that the feelings you're having, and the one's she's pretending to care about, don't actually matter at all. To either of you, really.

And your kids... look, just have a baby and watch them grow. Selfishness, thy name is baby. Kids have absolutely no care for the feelings of their parents from the time they're born until the time they finally grow up and have kids themselves. You will never truly appreciate your father until you become one yourself. And your mother? Just wait. Watch your wife with your baby and then let the realization come to you that your mother did all of those things for you. It will change you in a pretty significant way.

Also, people as spiteful and unforgiving as yourself should never have children if you are unable to fucking love your own child.

The world is an unforgiving place that does not love you at all. As a father your job is to prepare your children to live in a world that could not care less about your problems. Do you think that if by whining and becoming angsty, your landlord will forgive you this month's rent, just because you're you?

Any father who teaches his children that the "feelings" that you're talking about are more important than grades is setting his children up for a life of bitter disappointment. You want to talk about feelings? Let's talk about the feeling of being cold. Or the feeling of being hungry. I bet you've never felt either, and you don't want to.

You'll understand that one day, I hope. For now, you should stop preaching about what love means, particularly what it means from father to son, because you're unqualified to do so.

/r/AskReddit Thread