Dads of reddit, what is your advice for new dads?

I have a 9 month old right now. My wife works on my days off, leaving me alone with him for a while. So here's a couple of things;

  • I have a personal rule (mainly because I'm a clumsy fool): Don't hold or transfer anything over them that you're not willing to intentionally drop on them. Right now that list consists of pillows. And that's it.

  • If it's anything like mine, they will schreech. It will hurt your ears. It will be annoying, frustrating and infuriating. Do your checklist (food, diaper, sleep). If none of that is an issue there may be something else (teething, etc). If you're holding/rocking/bouncing doesn't work and you feel your blood start to boil, set them down. Do. Not. Touch. The. Baby. They'll be alright for a few seconds. Go into your room, shut the door, yell as loud as you need. Maybe punch a pillow. Whatever you do, don't take it out on the baby. They don't understand.

  • Sleep cycle at the beginning may be hellish. During the day, make sure lights are on and noises are being made. Weither it be music, a background tv, radio, whatever. Then as dark and quiet as possible during night time. If the baby is in your room at first, maybe a quiet noise maker to help cover some of your noises (bed/floor creaking, rustling covers, etc)

Good luck.

/r/AskReddit Thread