DAE feel like the 70s, 80s and 90s were somehow "proper" decades with a proper "feel", but the 00s and 10s are like these shitty, "nothing decades"?

Yeah I graduated in 2013 and the seniors who graduated 2009 where pretty much the last generation to have gone threw high school without amazing internet and crazy social media influences or kids involved in politics. Even 2013 seemed a little better to exist I believe at least.. then Instagram now Tiktok it’s all influenced a horrible society who constantly fights and are divided. We didn’t fight over “trans gender rights” we didn’t get “outraged” over minuscule things we certainly weren’t following politics and had absolutely no opinions in the matter. I promise you someone flipped the switch on this country and they want to see it burn. It’s terrifying, it is sad I do not feel comfortable having a kid with my wife due to the fact people have absolutely lost their fucking minds. Life is so depressing now I haven’t done anything in 3 years besides work. I can’t even enjoy life it is all so fake and artificial there’s nothing to enjoy.

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