DAE feel weak/inferior because they can't even execute daily life-to-life tasks and yet some of the most traumatized individuals have managed to succeed or at least function/be a productive member of society?

My situation is pretty much the same as yours. In fact I would wager anyone who has CPTSD is probably a hard worker and yet its so hard for us to make progress in life. The pattern seems to be the most functional member of the family with the most potential is the one everyone else abuses in a toxic family.

For the past 10 years Ive spent my 20s alternating school and part time jobs. I tend to get nonstop inertia for a year or so and then I burn out hard and become agoraphobic and unemployed for a few months...usually because I get so busy and no one to have fun with..which triggers my toxic loneliness and memories of times I almost died by my own parents...and Im subconciously attracted to people with personality disorders. My last ex was my scariest ex and its beyond apparent that I date way down and Im attracted to covert crazies. Sooo..now Im in therapy and have sworn off dating and sex for a year.

Dating will commense April 1st, 2019 because fuck it, nothing matters, so why not April 1st? Heh.

/r/CPTSD Thread Parent