DAE remember dreams from when they were much younger?

I remember dreams from when I was five. I am now 46.

You don't have to read the rest but here are some of my dream experiences.

I have always been a person who has very vivid dreams with lots of action and characters. I often wake myself up laughing. Sometimea I'm exhausted from all the activity in my dreams. I am a writer now, so I think the story telling part of my head is on overdrive.

My five year old dream is still very clear. I was at a church and I cut off my niece's head so she was running around with a bucket intead of a head, scaring me. (She and I are still very close to this day. No buckets at all.)

I also remember dreaming that I was on my cousin's shoulders, calling to my dad across a field, but he couldn't hear me. My dad had recently died, so that one was easy to figure out. I was seven at the time.

I often dreamt of flying and the best ones were when I could sit atop hydro poles and swoop along the power lines. Hmmm. Might be about taking up personal power in life, don't you think?

But my latest funny dream was the best. It was about a pro cyclist called "Crocodile Nelligan." In my dream I was listening to a French podcast on a Montreal bus (I don't live in Montreal) and laughing at his name. They were saying he had signed with an African team - MTN Quebeka. (That is a real cycling team from Kenya.)

But I figured Crocodile Nelligan should change his name or sign with an Australian team. No crocodiles in Africa, right? But the narrator of the podcast said the Alligator Nelligan didn't have the same ring to it, so he was keeping the old name. I have no idea where the hell I got the name Crocodile Nelligan.

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