DAE remember fighting every day for survival?!?!

Alright, so I agree that some people have taken the whole "safe space" concept too far. But that doesn't mean they're a bad thing.

Example 1: my undergrad was 3% black students and mostly white. Any black perspectives were dwarfed in class discussions, campus leadership, etc. Even among minorities students alone they still represented a very small percentage of students. So basically, any black voices got drowned out on campus. Racist incident occurs, white people don't want to talk about it and it slips under the radar. Try to bring up the lack of diversity on campus, get hounded with "that's just means accepting people who didn't actually earn it." Silent, peaceful protest of a blatantly racist speaker coming to campus gets accused of censorship. So there are "safe space" events. You can talk about your experiences as a black student on campus without criticism, judgment, or belittlement. Nobody's going to jump in and say "I don't even think of you as black, I don't see color!"

Example 2: another example was LGBTQ+ students: as a religious institution, there were a decent amount of homophobia, often masqueraded as "helping students" to save them from the hellfire. Again, safe spaces offered an environment where students could talk about their experiences. If you talk about getting weird looks for holding hands with your boyfriend on the quad, nobody's going to jump in and say "that's so rude, I'd never do that, I'd pull you aside and ask you about your relationship with God and help guide you back to chastity."

People should be allowed to say whatever they want and deal with the consequences of doing so.

My point is that for some minority groups, everything they say or do is scrutinized and met with discrimination. They deal with a LOT more negative consequences than you or I might, and they rarely catch a break from it. A safe space gives minority groups a break from the uphill battles they face from everyday casual discrimination.

/r/lewronggeneration Thread Parent Link - m.imgur.com