DAE have shitty milk supply post c-section?

Yep, same to all of that for me. I can promise you, you aren't do anything wrong. I also had a very stressful multiday failed induction before a c-section as well. The c-section itself was extremely traumatic for me (epidural failed at some point, and I felt everything and was freaking out until they knocked me out as quick as they could, ugh) and I also had severe blood pressure issues after delivery, and everything just really messed with bonding and trying to breastfeed. He refused to latch after taking a bottle as well, and it wasn't worth the fight to me with all else that was happening. I just pumped for 4 weeks or so, but my supply dropped dramatically, despite trying everything I could. I felt it wasn't worth pumping for hours and hours daily to get not even 3 ounces a day. I'm still sad about it, but I must say when I stopped pumping and accepted it for what it was, I felt very relieved. That isn't to say you should quit as well, just know that if you do, in the end the most important thing is that the baby is fed.

/r/beyondthebump Thread