DAE have unhealthy regret fantasies about changing a certain period/decision in their life?

I can relate to this post entirely. I was also put down for making any kind of minuscule mistake that really didn't matter, but my parents did so to feel superior. They needed a way to feel in control of their shitty middle age crisis bullshit life, so they took it out on me. I was a naturally confident kid that got along with people and my parents were the exact opposite and they hated that. Every now and then I dwell about it and wonder how great my life would've been without the criticism and the crippling anxiety as a result that I have to deal with.

Anyway, a coping mechanism I use is to meditate and focus on being in the present moment at all times. Think about it, although those particular memories are there, you give them all their significance by actively bringing them forward, thus affecting your cognitive state. What you can do is find memories, or better yet visualize a future that is ideal for you, and live according to those feelings. This is a way to reprogram your automatic thought process. That's what I do at least. Good luck.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread