[dai spoilers] Did anyone else cry during Dorian's backstory?


I have pity to Felix, i have pity to Cailan, to Nathaniel Howe, i have pity to many sons or daughters which lives was ruined by their parents actions from Dragon Age games, books, and comics. From rich, noble families, and especially for those who was less lucky.

But Dorian situation with his family and his father was not that. Dorian ruined his own life with his own actions. His "love for males" was not the reason of that.

I do not feel anything for Dorian "drama" consider how his life was and what HE did.

What he done before his father who was gay/bisexual, who like males too and who loved Dorian more then anyone and forgive everything what Dorian did since his youth, he did what he did cos was in very dire desperation and was pushed to the wall by Dorian actions and high pressure from everyone.

He was forced to try to did what he did cos Dorian after doing a lot of mistakes not left him any other solutions. Dorian father hated what he try to did and it was never for his own sake, Dorian father already was ruined, he barely control anything as magister and assassins kill him in few years and he try to save his sole son ruined life with this political wedding. Even wife what he find for him was pretty and normal person as Dorian himself tell us. Dorian ruined her life too and he not even try to talk with her and help her find another noble mage husband, he could annul this "forced" marriage for the sake of 2 noble families with better ending for everyone. Dorian ruined his and another families.

He was a spoiled brat who was raised in very rich and influenced family, he was the sole child, he live in luxury, he do what he wanted without thinking of consequences and noone punished him, he was given everything.

And he with his own decisions do everything to ruin his family and his own life since his youth, he was kicked and run away from schools, magic academies cos he was a brat and bribes what his family did not change him, he spend a lot of his family money to do drunk parties, for fun sleep with a lot of random people, spend months drinking and do sex with countless people in cheap brothels. So Dorian father not even try to do anything to hide that Dorian love males cos for a very long time everyone in Tevinter already know that his son love males. Too much. Even poor peasants from alianage.

His family, especially his father did everything for him, Alexius too. More then Thedas people done for their own childrens. And how he does repay all of them?

Dorian did many reputation ending stuff before his father who love males too, was forced to intervene, try to persuade him and then in desperation try to persuade Dorian with blood magic so his beloved son for who he always sacrifice everything would agree to pretend for some time and marry rich, noble daughter of very influenced family and give his family a grandchild who could inherit all from 2 families and this wedding was mean to restore Dorian and his family ruined political image. Almost all Orlais and Antivans who love males and openly sleep with males done such polititcal marriages and produced heirs.

And yeah all Dorian drama mean nothing, he have a lot of gold, he have all possible support before Inquisition and his father who was assasinated in the end apologies for his actions and Dorian still become Magister and sole heir of his very rich family cos it was inevitable from the beginning. No matter what was in his personal quests, everything what was in DAI not matter in the end.

And yeah, again i would tell taht Dorian being non-straight person, his preferences not matter at all in his downfall in Tevinter as they not matter when Maevaris, Danarius, Aurelian Titus and etc non-straight people, people who not have any childrens and wifes does become elected as Magisters long before Dorian.

Dorian exiled himself and he was fine before he return to Tevinter and take his family money, powers and etc. He not work hard for it compare to Maevaris who suffer a lot and others. He simply was gifted with everything as always.

/r/dragonage Thread