Daily Advice Thread 25/12/2020

Hey guys, wondering what I should focus next for progression. And kinda what to pick / skillup in the next event.

First of all here's my swarfarm.

Here's where I'm at progression wise :

Toa and toah full clear every weak.

Not 100% gb12 but still fairly reliable (Loren Fran savannah kro Shannon. Tried with lushen instead of Shannon and although it's faster it's less consistent since my runes aren't good enough)

Somewhat consistent SSS in water beast(Bernard Fran orochi savannah kro ethna) and not so consistent SSS in fire beast (Fran bella lapis Shaina Sabrina kro) . A+ in the other rifts.

I was thinking of 6*ing Talia and spectra next. Talia for Nb12 (replacing raoq in my raoq Shaina Sabrina Loren Fran team) and more consistent water and fire beast. Spectra for easier toah auto, db12 and toa hell maybe. Although I'm under the impression that twins aren't that good anymore so maybe I shouldn't bother with Talia.

Although I'm mostly just farming gb12 now so should I maybe build a r5 team first? (if so what monsters do I need to build for it? Should I go for a bj5 straight away or a more standard team, maybe get a Lisa for it in the event?) Should I go for the new dungeons b10 first?

Which also brings my 2nd question what monsters should I pick / skillup with the event? I'm considering Lisa for r5 or hraeslveg for water beast and gb12 but maybe there's better options ?

Sorry for the long post and thanks for your answers

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