Daily advice thread. All questions about your personal situation should be asked here

36yo w @140K invested, about 80% mutual funds e.g. broad exposure total stock, index, etc.. @ 15K bond, @ 15K cash/mm (waiting on a correction), a couple of stocks. Wife has employer sponsored 401k with @45k and a pension (not sure value). Strong savings account, make 50K, wife makes 70K. We have a total of 30k student loans at 6%. No car loans, virtually no cc debt. 1 rental home valued @140k rents at 1200 monthly owe 55k 4.5%, aggressively paying down principle. Additional mortgage on our home @1400 per month, owe @200k, 3.4% interest rate. 1 child and a possibility of another soon. Wife considering going part time while kids are small so she could earn less at some point - far from a done deal.

We are very lucky. We have stable incomes, great savings, great retirement, very low debt, etc... I feel very much on the right track. I am getting to the point, though where I want to get slightly more aggressive with some of our money, I'm just not sure how to do that. I'm pretty risk tolerant and calculated. Goals are 1) retire (early would be great). 2) make my money work for me (receive income). A few options I have considered: 1) investing in a small business/startup, 2) purchase another rental property/multifamily, 3) pay off all our student loans (to be done as part of a more broad strategy) 4) unknown.

p.s. I am a work to live guy, not a live to work guy.

/r/investing Thread