Daily All in One Thread (March 11, 2016) - For all your Team Help, Brag Posts, Scout Queries and General Questions

This post just loses so much credibility with all the inconsistencies found within it and your replies/ SS profile. Minimal evidence are provided, you have one measly screen shot that is even missing a bit at the bottom which most likely hides the Dark stone's effect text. If users wanted to show how strong a striker was they'd provide full proof with screen shots of stones/team set up and of both teams or a full video displaying it and not try to brush off questions with, "It's a secret." Otherwise you'll be just like that person trying to show off "Guin striker when they were just using her as a team ace and a totem for their Sharr or, the other person that tried showing off how their Lucian could take multiple shots off a Sharr but not revealing it was against a two spu one.

You say in the comments that it is your Lev but then one searches your profile to find a Lev with two lvl 9 blue receive pass stones, lvl 13 SHoT and a lvl 9 dark crit dmg stone. Unlike the Lev in the screen shot with two lvl 15 blue receive pass stones/ lvl 15 blue pen/ plus the dodgy hidden dark stone. You also added you got OP substats, looking at those and nope they're pretty average. Then you look through the profile to see the highest PvP score you were to get was 2209. As supposed to saying this is your Lev in MID Champ league which should have your highest recorded PvP around 2400~ at least to prove you actually play around that elo, whilst you don't because you just manage to scrape into Champs then give up. So again with the inconsistencies and plain out lying. So what is the actual purpose of this post that is just weaved out of lies and presenting a skewed presentation of some other guys Lev (because clearly it isn't even yours.) Then try to make it look even better saying, "This is against silla ace, magnus and a active block." Yea sure but where's your evidence, can't trust what you're saying since previous points already indicate you're lying through your teeth. It could be just vsing some poorly built Kei with no Magnus/ Silla ace/ Active block and not to mention the lack of a suicide stack (does this kei even have his skill points assigned?) Also this Lev could being backed with some Uriel ace yolo crazy back line dmg totem setup for all we'd know. All in all, as much as I wish Lev is as crazy strong like you're trying to depict, you lack actual evidence and credibility to convey it and it just makes this post look lame. Feel free to provide actual hardcore evidence to prove me wrong, don't give me some poorly served lies though. So that this post stops looking like some skewed BS and turn into some helpful/productive post that it shows others how they may achieve similar results as this and be a contribution to the SS community knowledge.

/r/soccerspirits Thread Parent