Daily Chat Thread - July 17, 2019

Could someone tell me why I'm having such a hard time finding a remote job?

Background: I have 3 years of experience as an Automation Engineer at my current job. But the work I've done has been closer to a web developer. I've developed a bunch of internal websites using Dot Net Core/React and a couple Android applications. I also have personal projects I've put a lot of time into.

Such as 23vs23, a React/Redux NBA stats comparator.

And more recently BlogPlusMinus. A React/Hooks/GraphQl/MongoDb blog. Which is still heavily under development but that will hopefully show a wider range of tech I've learned.

My problem: I've been applying for about a year and a half now to remote dev jobs and still haven't gotten one. I've come close with two companies (one of them being Google surprisingly). But I've never gotten an offer.

Although I didn't get those two jobs, I don't see interviewing as my biggest issue. But rather the lack of responses from companies.

Im worried that I'm sorta pigeon holed with my current company. Since my title isn't software engineer/developer and I don't work on a dev team. I have made personal projects and think that they've helped somewhat.

I'm also wondering if remote jobs are just that much more competitive and if I should try to find a non remote job first with a better dev environment.

Also wondering if I should transition to working on open source since I haven't done any yet. To show that I can work with a bigger codebase.

Any advice is appreciated. Here's my GitHub.

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