Daily Discussion - April 19, 2021

So I’ll preface this with the fact that I don’t know about your whole situation and experience with food but:

From my experience of cutting out binging, I had to eat more during the day. I used to eat really low calories during the day and then by night I would binge. It is helpful if the food you eat is high in fibre and protein. It also helped me to plan in a treat for myself every day that I really enjoyed so that I never felt like there was a “scarcity” of food. Even if that was like a candy bar or a bag of chips, it’s way better than the result of a whole binge.

If you count calories, try eating at maintenance calories for a while so that you can have a feeling of mental stability with food. I struggled with this because 2500 calories per day sounded like so much to me, but was actually less than what I was eating with binges and it allowed there to be less “drama” surrounding food

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