Daily Discussion - Friday, March 11 | r/FanFiction Rules, FAQs, Weekly Schedule & Current Event Threads

Getting really frustrated with one of my reviewers who's been trying to force his view of AI philosophy down my throat in the review section.

It's called philosophy precisely because no one agrees with each other and there are multiple ways to approach a topic. If it were as simple as "My one single view is the right answer." It wouldn't be called philosophy, it would be called mathematics.

The fic I'm writing tackles the implication of loving an object in human form and the ethics revolving around a Human-AI relationship.

In fact, even canon itself states that the main heroine has trouble with grasping human emotions and morality but noooo this reviewer had to go full iamverysmart and lecture me that "sorry your story makes no sense. If she's truly an intelligent AI all she needs to do is replicate that same psychology and emotions for itself. In other words, if Lacia wants to start thinking like a human, she should be able to, by simply rearranging her own thought processes."

Like... Wow. "Simply just rearrange her own thought processes."


I think there's nothing simple about that but okay sure.

Jesus some people really refuse to even give anything outside of their worldview a chance, huh.

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