Daily Discussion - March 27, 2019 (GMT+0)

Why does BTC need lightning network to be mass adopted?

I think it would be smarter to have other protocals running universal payment systems that could accept multiple crypto and fiat currencies, so they would be like a crypto version of VISA/Mastercard

Several ambitious projects have already been working on this. YES to a degree its cEnTrALiZeD!! It's still a middleman. But if the currencies used are still decentralized, then hypothetically once funds are in a wallet then it's a done deal, no reverse transactions are possible and the ledger is still immutable.

We act like the banks or the middleman is 100% bad but for the average joe, they are pretty necessary. As someone who has done a lot of cashier work, I would say if we want mass adoption then it has to be functioning, reliable, efficient tech, or its not gonna happen. If my boss added crypto payments tomorrow I would be pissed off because it would be a royal pain in the ass to deal with.

Just something to consider. I still see the value and believe things will only get better. Once more secure hot wallets become the norm it's on!

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread