Daily Discussion

Anyone else in on LINK? Spread my entire nut on 50% ETH 50% LINK.

I’m New to the coin game and bought the bottom as my first large investment. Have been a traditional market guy for about 25 years and made great passive income over life playing the right dips.

This new administration has me nervous as fuck. I made so much money while trump was in office. Now they are gonna make it worthless? Fuck you.

After about 3 years of DD, I kept waiting for BTC to hit sub 35 before I jumped in. I think 5-10 coins are a great long term hedge against fiat looking at the long term upside.

Either way, it’s a sunk cost to me - they lie on a Trezor in an rfid/emp-proof bag permanently clutched to the inside of my grundle. I live in the south so it gets uncomfortable in the summers but I just know... once that EMP/cyberattack/aliens/inflation/pickyourowncrisis hits.. it was worth it bearing that plastic division sign I kept pressing into my ballsack.

I’ll finally be hodl king. The long con.

Anyway - LINK anyone? This is a great thread btw.

/r/ethtrader Thread