Daily Discussion

Zeitgeist 2007 hasn't been debunked in any way shape or form.

Christ is nearly 100% a copy of other gods, and you just fucked up my guy because I came mother fucking prepared and I DARE YOU to address/refute/debunk ANYTHING below:

First of all there are very few intellectual public figures in the first place that believe in the Jesus story in the first place.

Believing Jewish stories written on Hebrew Scriptures about Jewish people that far predates Christianity is beyond ridiculous.

Even some of the founders of Jesuit were Jewish, and some of the Jesuits also are fully aware of the Jesus story being plagiarized.

Justin Martyr, one of the first Christian historians and defenders, wrote:

"When we say that he, Jesus Christ, our teacher, was produced without sexual union, was crucified and died, and rose again, and ascended into Heaven, we propound nothing different from what you believe regarding those who you esteem Sons of Jupiter."

In a different writing, Justin Martyr said

"He was born of a virgin, accept this in common with what you believe of Perseus."

It's obvious that Justin and other early Christians knew how similar Christianity was to the Pagan religions. However, Justin had a solution. As far as he was concerned, the Devil did it. The Devil had the foresight to come before Christ, and create these characteristics in the Pagan world.

Zeitgeist is ''debunked'' in 3 separate parts.

The most controversial part is the 1st.

1. Christianity is not inspired by Egyptian mythology.

The ''debunkers'' seem to primarily focus on small details, such as the difference between ''12 brothers'' and ''12 messiahs'' or birth/death/resurrection sequences, along with who Peter Joseph sources.

Anybody who has even touched Egyptology, let alone extensively researched it can tell you that there are clear similarities between Egyptian mythology & Christianity.

Egyptian religion is likely the primary foundational basis for the Judeo-Christian theology:

  • Baptism
  • Afterlife
  • Final judgment
  • Virgin birth and resurrection
  • Crucifixion
  • The ark of the covenant
  • Circumcision
  • Saviors
  • Holy communion
  • The great flood
  • Easter
  • Christmas
  • Passover

The 10 commandments.

Spell 125 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

  • I have not sinned
  • I have not stolen
  • I have not killed
  • I have not told lies

And so on and so forth.

They can also be found on the walls of Luxor

The follow gods were born of a virgin:

  • Demeter
  • Indra
  • Codom
  • Zoroaster
  • Quirrnus
  • Rhea
  • Perseus
  • Apollo
  • Persephone
  • Quetzalcoatl
  • King Amunothph III

And many, many others.

Resurrected gods:

  • Osiris
  • Adonis
  • Dionysus
  • Zoroaster
  • Zalmoxis
  • Romulus

Now, let's imagine everything in Zeitgeist is wrong

So is there nobody else that fits the bill of Jesus Christ?

Zoroaster, 550-1500 BCE

  • Born of a virgin
  • Baptized in a river
  • Began his ministry at the age of 30
  • Restores sight of a blind man
  • Teaches about heaven & hell
  • Reveals mysteries such as: resurrection, judgement, salvation & the apocalypse.
  • Had a sacred cup or grail
  • He was slain
  • Zoroasters followers expected a ''second coming''

Zeitgeist is scratching the surface.

The story of Jesus isn't even original within the bible itself

The parallels go on and on.

The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally paid to the sun.

The Bible is nothing more than an astro-theological literary fold hybrid, just like nearly all religious myths before it. Christianity is simply not based on the truth.

Christianity was in fact nothing more than a Roman story, developed politically.

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