Daily Discussion | December 03, 2019

seriously take the skill based match-making out of the game, im paired with most stupid people like a bloodhound who runs off when i'm reviving our octane team-mate and then a pathfinder sneaks underneath the building in geyser and knocks me and the octane back down on to the floor. i refuse to believe this bloodhound is skilled and as knowledge as me at the game. seriously just bring back mixed lobbies, i want to play with and against apex predators, diamonds, platimum players as well as gold players, silver players and bronze players but more often than not this season my team-mates have been terrible in terms of their decision-making and awareness.

i've played this game since launch, im not the best, i've never claimed to be the best but when i'm coming top in a vast majority of my matches by some distance in terms of kills and damage then for me this sbmm isn't working, i'm effectively carrying two other people and i'm tired of it. i had more fun in season one when i was getting stomped by the amazing pathfinder players and wraith's. it feels like im in the beginner lobbies of this game and when i've been playing for three seasons and the early stages before season one began, i find it a little disrespectful. it's almost as if im shit and should be paired with other low skilled players. if im shit, fine, but give me team-mates of a comparable skill level or give me better team-mates so i can study what they're doing and get better.

/r/apexlegends Thread