Daily Discussion | February 21, 2019

It has to do with the game not being as casual as launch. Everyone is trying to be the next shroud, and so everyone plays hyper-aggressive. Because everyone is playing like that, the only way to win is to also be hyper aggressive. Fact of the matter is, playing slow and passive will lead to a loss the majority of the time. Those who are engaging constantly and winning fights will gain much better loot (it's essentially like having the other squads loot for you - when you take their stuff after a won exchange). If more people were casual then the gameplay would be like it was on launch, however, due to game theory it's pretty much play aggressive or have a very high chance of losing. It's the reason why people engage early in hot spots or by themselves. If they win the exchange they have a high chance of winning the match. If they lose they can just re-queue. If you die when you shouldn't have, due to lack of skill in the eyes of one of those players, then they probably think of you more as a burden than anything else - and it's why they don't immediately focus on rezzing you and don't share loot.

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