Daily Discussion Megathread - July 21, 2018

What a waste it was investing in OmiseGO. They made marketed themselves at the next ETH, wasted no second to post grandeur tweets every 2 days, and then they didnt deliver on anything in 7 months in 2018. Fucking ridiculous. $6.90 after a year, those guys work next to a fucking nail salon in a shopping mall within Bangkok suburb. Bunch of unethical shills who rode Vitalik's d for as long as they could. XLM still up over 15x since Oct and this piece of fucking shit is a negative ROI after a year.

I really want it to go to $20 again so I can dump these bags of shit. Never trust in broke third worlders who promise the world. They prob dont even have good business connections living in the corrupt country of Thailand. Also Omise as a company is incentivized to succeed but they dont even need OMG to. They made 25 million dollars in an ico instead of getting VC. Third worlders lucked out with Vitalik big time

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