[Daily Discussion] Monday, January 15, 2018

I got into bitcoin in Oct. of 2014 when it was $391. :) My original investment was $8,000 and no, did not use credit. I never touched it until 2016. Just small withdrawals initially to pay for attorney/court fees, and then larger amounts once the courts made me sell the house and give my ex half of all my assets. Luckily he couldn't trace the bitcoin or I'd have had to give him half of that too! :) Obviously I have seen huge returns and I feel super lucky to have gotten in as early as I did. I am just kinda kicking myself that I didn't head all the warnings lately and take out a little extra, but hey! Bitcoin saved me in so many ways the last couple of years. I will hodl because I believe in btc for reasons that extend well beyond the money. Again - I was silly to make the comment I made, and I guess I deserve the backlash.

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