Daily Discussion: /r/Snowboarding General Discussion, Q&A, Advice, Etc.) - December 02, 2021

Mods can we PLEASE ban helmet comments?

Now please hear me out…

Helmets protect your brain, and everyone knows there’s 0 good excuses for not wearing a helmet, but the fact of the matter is, this sub would be WAY better if every helmet-less post didn’t have 1/3 of the people in the comment section stirring up controversy and saying smart ass remarks about how the rider isn’t wearing a helmet.

These comments have been going on for years now and nothing has changed and nothing will change and honestly it’s making me want to leave this sub. It’s doing nothing but causing negative chains of comments from both sides in every single post it’s brought up in.

People are responsible for their own decisions and if they want to wear a helmet or not, then that’s their decision. Please mods do something because it’s been old for a long time.

Sorry for the rant I just feel like it’s something that needs to be addressed as there’s nothing good coming from it and it doesn’t nothing but make this sub look bad.

/r/snowboarding Thread