Daily Discussion Thread - April 03, 2019

Lots of heated people, lets clarify some things

1: 10% reduced rates from a golden ticket summon, as far as I can tell, NOT the silver ticket summon. Sure this is shitty but hey, just don’t buy the ticket.

2: It seems the silver ticket banner now guarantees a new unit, an extremely good change from having a chance to pull filler units. Very nice.

3: Featured rates are the same despite the summoning pull being opened. Meaning the 1% chance to pull a featured unit is the same.

4: Filler units are typically very bad, last banner was kid Trunks and Kamiccolo. Now we at least have a chance to pull great units like Mai, Future Gohan, Kale, Caulifla, etc.

Hope this clears some stuff up for some people who have jumped the gun.

/r/DragonballLegends Thread