Daily Discussion Thread - February 18, 2020

So I’m a dumb fuck and haven’t got into options very much. Put $5,000 into my RH and it was just loss porn for a week straight so I said fuck the market for a while.

I used to just YOLO day trades on penny stocks about a year back, and I was just some autism wizard and made a fuck ton of money. (At least for my bank accounts position LOL) Best day was $1300 in 30 seconds. BUT worst day was sweet ass loss porn of -$2600 in 8 seconds. Gave up day trading and continued my bullshit 9-5 job as a corporate slave.

Now I bought a business couple months back and got some personal tendies, and more time for YOLOing again. Question is, where is the best place to learn about trading options? The input is great here if you can comprehend the language, but I want to fucking learn some kind of basics on the Greeks and how options work before I get a fast track to being strapped down and being buttfucked while lossporn/assrape.jpeg

Please help me out before I go gay as a frog on my bank account

/r/wallstreetbets Thread