Daily Discussion Thread: 02/17/2019

My last two blasts i did 500 test e, 450 tren e and some var. I quite enjoyed it as I experienced very few sides and found it very bareable. now at the end of the year I'm gonna try 500 test/500-600 deca or something like that idk yet, i have plenty of time to decide.

I have never tried deca before but i am starting to regret buying it because all I've seeing lately is people shitting on it and saying how much more anabolic tren is and how you'll put on better quality muscle and I'm thinking I made a mistake. Oh and deca giving me moon face scares me.

I also see a lot of people say shit about tren that completely has been different from my experience as well so I'm thinking if its even milder than that I'm gonna be really dissapointed.. for example i often see people here say how tren makes their appetite for carbs absolutely crazy and their a machine just eating all the carbs and shredding fat at the same time while getting heavier (ik some people also report it suppressed appetite as well)... well in my experience i do go carb crazy on tren and I definitely eat a lot more but I definitely put on some fat whenever I'm on tren too. I guess I just want more opinions from people who ran both.

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