Daily Discussion Thread: 03/23/2019

PSMF Day 10

I look and feel like shit (color change is lighting though)

5'11", 163-157lbs.

Everything is shriveled up and I feel like a piece of beef jerky. Lyles stubborn fat solution protocol does not fail though, and my lower abdominals, face and lower back have never been this defined before. I wish I'd chosen a better lighted area for my progress photos because out in the sun the definition is fucking insane, seeing my body is unreal to me I had no idea how different a low bodyfat looks in person compared to in videos. 3 more days left until I bring my calories back up from 1300 to 3800. I think the true test of willpower will be when I start adding in carbs and keeping myself under control.

/r/bodybuilding Thread