Daily Discussion Thread 04/22/2020

Can somebody explain this weird self titled YG album?? https://open.spotify.com/album/0Q8tuB3q2AxkYMF0Zbm6uY?si=8c4Ba4jTQOq1clWoLFxsiw

It says there released in 2016, yet I cant find anything. Nothing about it on wikipedia, RYM, reddit, spotify.

Even stranger, the entire album is Re'd Up2 but all the songs have different titles. For example: Real 1 (renamed to millions, funny cause on RU2 millions is another song), Make it slap (as make it slap), playin around, (on ru2 its called playin but same wiz+gee feature) but its a completeley different song (its actually gotta get doe), Idgaf is renamed to Dont trip, some more too, lmao.

This thing is so weird, does anyone know what it is, is it some bootlegged reupload?

/r/hiphopheads Thread