Daily Discussion Thread: 07/27/2020

Have any of you experienced something like this? I'm trynna piece it together.

I invite a girl to my bday party (I am 25, she's 21) and we get kind of drunk, but not super bad. After a while she pulls me aside and we start talking about my feelings for her and I basically lay it all out. Like absolute full send. She says something along the lines of like "I like you but not in that way". Anyway we continue talking and as I'm doing my usual hand gestures she grabs my hand and starts holding it. Next thing I know she's on my lap and we're basically cuddling, all while she's like "I don't like you in a romantic way" and then we start kissing. She's pretty inexperienced with love/sex/relationships based on what she's told me (which is surprising because she's amazingly beautiful), so I'm being real patient but I have absolutely no idea how to interpret these events.

/r/bodybuilding Thread