Daily Discussion Thread: 09/24/2017

Girlfriend ended it with me the other day, since she has found another. She described it in a great way: "My love for you faded, as my love for him grev stronger". We both cried, hugged and agreed to work it out and still be friends. We have done everyting together and been together all day for almost a year, before I went to a school for music where you live during the weekdays, with me going home to see her most weekends. We were both absolutly sure it would work with not seeing each other as much, but apperently not. We're spending a few days together, having a good time and taking about our feelings and other unrelated, silly stuff just like in the old times. Both really want this to work out, and it seems like it will, since we are still each others (cheesy term ahead, sorry) "soulmates", just not in love any more.

I just needed to tell this to someone, and you guys are great supporters, altough some will tell me to forget everything about her, hit the lawyer, facebook up and delete the gym.

Have a nice one today, because I can already feel our friendship getting better since yesterday.

/r/bodybuilding Thread