Daily Discussion Thread: 10/19/2018

So I first started doing strict Keto at around 10 grams of carbs and I got a brutal keto rash so I upped my carbs to around 50 grams.

At 50 g I was rash free for months and it eventually came back so I went to around 100 grams for a couple of rash free months. Then the rash came back and I went up to 150, after a couple of months I had to go up to 200 grams of carbs.

So now am at 200 grams of carbs and the rash is coming back after a couple of months without it. I can't really up my carbs anymore without making my calorie deficit way too small.

What do I do? Has this happened to anyone here? I feel like I shouldn't be getting a keto rash at 200 grams of carbs.. And I'm 100% sure it's a keto rash since it's the exact same rash I got on strict keto and upping the carbs always makes it go away.

/r/bodybuilding Thread