Daily Discussion Thread 11/26/18

I feel so bad for Sakurai.

From when this game was announced, I feel like Sakurai has poured so much effort in shrouding the game under a blanket of mystery. He wanted us, the players, to feel a sense of magic and childish glee when we first experienced the game for ourselves. This is why Spirits/World of Light was not fully explained or even shown to us until the final smash direct. He wanted us to see it with our own eyes for the first time.

I have strayed from looking at any of the spoilers, but I truly do feel for the man. Ultimate is the culmination of years upon years of hard work, and to see people partly sully that has to hurt. He wanted to show us the work he has done, but there was a proper time for it.

TL;DR game got leaked = sad Sakurai = sad me

/r/smashbros Thread