Daily Discussion — Thursday, November 28, 2019

TMI warning: poop

I have pooped once (1) times in the last 7 (s7v7n) days and it's kiiilling me. This is my least favorite part about restricting/not eating properly. So fucking painful when it does happen cause the pertinent body parts are NOT warmed up, and meanwhile I'm bloated as fuck and the scale hasn't changed which I'm pretty sure makes no sense with the LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS but I'm no scientist.

The worst part is that today I kept smelling body odor...I rarely sweat to the point of BO and I have a good odor neutralizing deodorant so it's never an issue, so I thought it was someone else all day. I just got home and realized I could smell stinky feet and IT WAS MY FEET. MINE. I've never had smelly feet in my whole fucking life. Apparently being majorly constipated can increase your body odor. Cool.

I just drank some lax tea against my better judgment but I need HELP. I hope it works tonight because I have to go to two thanksgiving gatherings tomorrow and I was kind of excited about it and planned on actually eating a bit but I might've just fucked myself. PS the great part about going to two thanksgivings is you can say aren't going to stuff yourself so you will have an appetite for the next one and at the next one you can say you ate too much at the first one.

thanks for tuning in hope you all have a....Thanksgiving.

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